
Security Features of
our TP Controller


Password Encryption

FileMaker uses a strong authentication system with password that are encrypted using SHA. This is a one-way encryption, and passwords can never be decrypted. Passwords can only be reset.

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File Encryption

Hosted or local files are secured using AES-256 encryption. The encryption requires a password that is not stored within the encrypted file. Even if an attacker would have physical access to the file, it is not possible to access the file without the password.

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Imported Documents

Binary data that is stored (e.g. PDF files, Excel files, Word files) in TP Controller can be AES-128 encrypted (approved by NSA for classified information up to SECRET level).

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For hosted solutions (FileMaker Server with Filemaker clients) data is transferred using AES-256 encrypted SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connections. Certificates from trusted certificate authorities such as Thawte, Verisign or Geotrust can be installed.

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Certified Developers

TP Controller is coded by ClickWorks, a certified FileMaker developer in Belgium and a Platinum member of the FileMaker Business Alliance.

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Directory Integration

Integration with Active Directory or Open Directory is possible.

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